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Upcoming series on Psalms

Pastor Mark

Updated: Apr 22, 2020


I trust that God is leading you in a wonderful time of a divine reset. Personally, it’s been a really growing time in the midst of a challenging situation. During this time, the Psalms has been a constant and welcomed companion. Going through Tim Keller’s devotional, “The Songs of Jesus,” has been a real joy. It’s a year-long devotional working through the book of Psalms.

Feeling God’s strong nudge, we are going to start a series through the book of Psalms. We are going to look at one of the psalms every week, asking God to speak directly to where we are and what we are going through. I cannot tell you how excited I am about this series!

As we work through our series in Psalms, we will experience God in undeniable ways!

  • We will experience God’s heart as we open our hearts to Him.

  • We will cultivate our relationship and intimacy with God.

  • We will hear and see God speak directly to us, our hearts, every week, with a personal word from the Psalms, just for us.

  • We will grow in our faith and trust in our Father in heaven.

Please join us as we seek and worship God together on Sundays. It will be an encouraging and transformational time.

Also, please pray for our leaders in the church as we seek God for His direction moving forward. God has made it very clear that His call for KCF is to go and make disciples. We need to encourage, equip and motivate everyone to go out and practice Prayer Evangelism (bless, fellowship, minister and proclaim the gospel of Jesus). We need to equip and mobilize everyone to be a disciple of Jesus who goes out to disciple others. We are prayerfully working on a plan to accomplish what God has called us to. More than anything, we need God’s mind, His heart and His wisdom. Will you please pray for us?

Continue to check our website, keep blessing a business by praying, patronizing and promoting! That’s a great way to engage in Prayer Evangelism. Blessings, have a great weekend and I’ll see you all on Sunday!


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