Luke: Jesus, the one we follow
Jesus constantly connected with people—like us—who longed to belong. Interestingly, Luke himself was not a Jew and was an outsider to Jesus’ community, and yet found a family and future. Jesus loved and drew all people, no matter who they were, to Himself. To everyone and anyone, He gave this challenging and significant invitation: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.” (Luke 9:23)
In this series, we will learn who Jesus really is, His invitation to all of us, and His call and instructions for how to live. As we do, the Holy Spirit will empower us to be transformed to live as His disciples, going from longing to belonging, and fill us with love and His strength to go and share this Jesus with others and disciple them to go from longing to belonging. Join us as we get to know Jesus, the One we follow.
“For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.”
Luke 19:10
Also, check this out before you begin:
Family Bible Series: Luke
Join us for our series in Luke by downloading this Family Bible Series. Lead your family to engage in important conversations as we journey together and learn more about who Jesus really is.
Family Bible Series - Luke has three sections:
Book Summary helps parents answer questions and build their confidence in the study of Luke. In two pages, they learn the Setting, Overview, and Theme of the book of Luke. They use this section to prepare their heart and mind with the 40,000-foot view.
Reading Plan keeps parents from being overwhelmed. If the Book Summary gives the “big picture,” the Reading Plan breaks Luke down chapter-by-chapter into seven themes. Note: If parents have young children, they may consider choosing a few key verses or stories from each chapter highlighting the text’s theme.
Family Journals help guide the readers’ thoughts through the chapter. Every journal sheet corresponds with a chapter in Luke, and it provides space to write (or draw for the little ones), share favorite words, and more. This section creates opportunities for spiritual conversations over dinner, at bedtime, or in the car. Note: If parents have young children, we suggest working together on the journal. If they have teenagers, they can offer printouts for an individualized plan.
Meals with Jesus
For families with younger children, pick up one of these books at our next in-person gathering.
What You Can Expect
Take 10 minutes with your family each day. Use this flexible, easy-to-use resource and guide with your younger ones, but easily use it with your teens too. Each day you can expect to get an overview of the day's reading, the passage to read, an optional activity that you could do, questions for each age group of kids you have, deeper insights about the passages, and other ideas when you have some extra time.